Futures Industry eLearning
Futures Industry eLearning
eLearning for the futures industry, by the industry ─ Exclusively from FIA-IFM, your nonprofit partner in training.
Get Smart training helps firms and market participants build a culture of compliance to avoid costly mistakes, trading suspensions, and fines. Courses are ideal for customers, traders, sales, client services, and operations staff, and those with supervisory responsibilities — and internal teams that touch futures.
As the nonprofit educational foundation of the FIA (Futures Industry Association), we are in a unique position to collaborate with market regulators like the National Futures Association, major global exchanges, and industry working groups to develop and deliver content specific to the futures industry. Since 1989, the IFM has educated and trained derivatives market participants and stakeholders and promoted high standards of market conduct and market integrity.
Get Smart on market conduct, exchange fundamentals, ethics, anti-money laundering and the associated regulatory requirements with FIA Markets Academy™.
Training and Save
Association member discounts and volume rates apply.
FIA and NIBA members and their employees are eligible for discounts for online training courses. FIA members include more than 300 financial services firms as well as fund managers, commercial hedgers, global exchanges, technology vendors, and legal and other professional services providers. NIBA members include for Introducing Brokers, Commodity Trading Advisors, Associated Persons, and Futures Commission Merchants